Ilse Bing - Paris and Beyond
17.06.2020 – 19.12.2020
Admission Fee: HKD100 for adults, HKD50 for students and seniors aged 65 or above. Free admission for disabled people and children aged 11 or below.
F11 Foto Museum is proud to present the “Ilse Bing – Paris and Beyond” exhibition, featuring over 100 works of this influential female photographer who helped turn Paris into the centre of modern photography in the 1930s. A majority of the vintage prints in this collection were taken at the height of Bing’s photography career in Paris, while the rest reflect her drastic change of her spirit after war influence. This exhibition is an image memoir of Bing’s dramatic life in the face of stark reality.
Born to a wealthy Jewish family in Frankfurt in 1899, “Queen of the Leica” Ilse Bing was once amongst the very first few women photographers to influentially master the avant-garde handheld Leica 35mm camera in the 1930s. She was also amongst the first to use solarisation, electronic flash and night photography, and established her own distinctive photographic style adoring romanticism, symbolism and dream imagery of surrealism. She died in 1998, just a few days before her 99th birthday.
Her work can be found in many major public collections including theMetropolitan Museum of Art; the Museum of Modern Art; the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; the Art Institute of Chicago; and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
“Ilse Bing – Paris and Beyond” is a Le French May associated project.
F11攝影博物館將舉辦「Ilse Bing – 超越巴黎」展覽,展出這位把1930年代巴黎變成現代攝影殿堂的女攝影師逾100張作品。這個系列大部分早期原作照片攝於巴黎,時為Bing攝影生涯的巔峰,其他作品則記錄了她戰後急劇改變的精神面貌。因此,是次展覽是Bing面對無情現實的影像回憶錄。
1899年,Ilse Bing生於法蘭克福富裕猶太家庭,被譽為“徠卡女王”,是1930年代少數使用當時最前衛的35mm可擕式徠卡相機的女攝影師之一。Bing同時亦是其中一位最早使用中途曝光、電子閃光燈和夜間攝影的攝影師。她獨特的攝影風格揉合了浪漫主義,象徵主義和超現實主義的夢境意象。她於1998年99歲生日前去世 。
「Ilse Bing – 超越巴黎」是法國五月藝術節的聯辦節目。
HONG KONG the way it was
3 Oct 2019 – 31 Mar 2020
***In the face of coronavirus, we require every visitor to wear a mask for admission.
Thank you for your cooperation.為保障參觀人士,由即日起本館將要求所有參觀F11人士配戴口罩,多謝合作。***
Celebrating its 5th birthday, F11 Foto Museum is proud to present “HONG KONG the way it was”, an exhibition of over 130 beautiful photos taken in 1959 -1960 by Ed van der Elsken (1925 – 1990), one of the most influential Dutch photographers in the 20th century. This will be the first time the HONG KONG series is shown in its entirety.
In this collection, van der Elsken shows his great warmth and hope for old Hong Kong, which he described as the “prettiest of harbour cities” during his 13-month round-the-world trip. While staying in Hong Kong for three weeks, he was able to capture the essence of cityscapes, town views and people of the city at that time. There is a touch of familiarity in these prints, yet there are also many fascinating “new” objects, practices and building structures that are long gone. Through van der Elsken’s eyes, visitors can reminisce and discover the disappeared Hong Kong of times past.
The exhibition is open for public viewing from 2pm to 7pm, Tuesdays to Saturdays (closed on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays). Please email to info@f11.com, or call 6516 1122 for group visit appointment.
Admission Fee: HKD100 for adults. HKD50 for students and seniors aged 65 or above. Free admission for the disabled and children aged 11 or below.
Guided tours are available every Saturday and they are free with Museum admission. To reserve, please click the session below:
In the face of coronavirus, we require every visitor to wear a mask for admission.
Thank you for your cooperation.為慶祝成立5週年,F11攝影博物館特意舉辦 《HONG KONG the way it was》 展覽,展出逾130張由二十世紀其中一位最具影響力的荷蘭攝影師埃德·凡·德·埃爾斯肯(Ed van der Elsken) (下簡稱「Ed」) (1925 – 1990) 於1959年至1960年間在香港拍攝的早期原作照片。
這個香港的攝影系列處處流露攝影師對被他譽為「最美麗的港口城市」的喜愛和期許 。 凡·德·埃爾斯肯在1959和1960年的十三個月環球旅行中,曾兩度訪港,用三個星期捕捉當時香港的城市景觀和社會人生百態。這個系列除了有很多令人覺得似曾相識的畫面外,也有許多「前所未見」的影像如一些早已消失在時代洪流的生活細節及建築物。通過凡·德·埃爾斯肯的眼睛,觀眾可以再一次回味、審視香港那段已經逝去的歲月。
展覽逢星期二至星期六(星期日、星期一及公眾假期休館),下午2時至7時開放予公眾參觀。團體參觀可電郵至info@f11.com ,或致電6516 1122預約。
Winning Entries of “Revitalised Historic Buildings Instagram Photo Competition” Roving Exhibition
6 Aug 2019 – 20 Aug 2019
Winning Entries of “Revitalised Historic Buildings Instagram Photo Competition” Roving Exhibition
The Commissioner for Heritage’s Office of the Development Bureau holds the Winning Entries of “Revitalised Historic Buildings Instagram Photo Competition” roving exhibition from 6 August to 31 December 2019, featuring winning entries of the photo competition themed on historic buildings under Batches I to III of the “Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme”. The Revitalisation Scheme aims to preserve government-owned historic buildings and put them into innovative use. The historic buildings from Batches I to III of the Revitalisation Scheme are Savannah College of Art and Design (Hong Kong) (Former North Kowloon Magistracy), Tai O Heritage Hotel (Old Tai O Police Station), Hong Kong Baptist University School of Chinese Medicine – Lui Seng Chun (Lui Seng Chun), YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel (Mei Ho House), Jao Tsung-I Academy (Former Lai Chi Kok Hospital), Green Hub (Old Tai Po Police Station), Stone Houses Family Garden (Stone Houses), Viva Blue House (Blue House Cluster), Hong Kong News-Expo (Bridges Street Market), the HKFYG Leadership Institute (Former Fanling Magistracy) and Haw Par Music Farm (Haw Par Mansion).
From 6 to 20 August, the 11 winning entries will be dispalyed at F11 Foto Musuem. For details of the roving exhibition and information about other exhibition dates and venues, please visit the heritage conservation website (www.heritage.gov.hk) or call 2848 6230 for enquiry.「活化歷史建築Instagram攝影比賽」得獎作品巡迴展覽
發展局文物保育專員辦事處於2019年8月6日至12月31日舉辦「活化歷史建築Instagram攝影比賽」得獎作品巡迴展覽,展示以第一至第三期「活化歷史建築伙伴計劃」歷史建築為主題的攝影比賽得獎作品。活化計劃旨在以創新的方法保存及善用政府擁有的歷史建築。第一至第三期活化計劃的歷史建築包括Savannah College of Art and Design香港分校(前北九龍裁判法院)、大澳文物酒店(舊大澳警署)、香港浸會大學中醫藥學院 — 雷生春堂(雷生春)、YHA美荷樓青年旅舍(美荷樓)、饒宗頤文化館(前荔枝角醫院)、綠匯學苑(舊大埔警署)、石屋家園(石屋)、We嘩藍屋(藍屋建築群)、香港新聞博覽館(必列啫士街街市)、香港青年協會領袖學院(前粉嶺裁判法院)和虎豹樂圃(虎豹別墅)。
由8月6日至20日,F11攝影博物館將展出11幅得獎作品。有關巡迴展覽的詳情及其他地點的展覽日期,請瀏覽文物保育網站(www.heritage.gov.hk)或致電2848 6230查詢。
AUDREY by Bob Willoughby
22 March – 27 July 2019
2019 marks the 90th anniversary of Audrey Hepburn’s birth and the 10th anniversary of the passing of renowned photographer Bob Willoughby. This is the first time such a comprehensive collection of Bob’s most memorable photos of Audrey is shown in Hong Kong. The 90 photographs – one for each year since Audrey’s birth – have been carefully curated by Douglas So, Founder and Director of F11 Foto Museum, with the help of Bob’s son, Christopher. They cover the 1950s and ’60s period when she was at the peak of her fame. The photographs include stills from Audrey’s best-known movies, among them rare candid shots captured behind the screen which highlight her different roles as actress, style icon and mother.
<Audrey by Bob Willoughby>, edited by Douglas So, is published to complement the exhibition. Available for sale at F11 Foto Museum and f22 foto space. Readers and book dealers who may wish to order may email to info@f11.com, or call 6516 1122 for enquiries.
The exhibition is open for public viewing from 2pm to 7pm, Tuesdays to Saturdays (closed on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays). Please email to info@f11.com, or call 6516 1122 for group visit appointment.
Admission Fee: HKD100 for adults. HKD50 for students and seniors aged 65 or above. Free admission for the disabled and children aged 11 or below.
2019年是Audrey Hepburn 90歲的冥壽及知名攝影師Bob Willoughby逝世10週年紀念。這是首次在香港展示Bob最令人懷念的一系列拍攝Audrey的作品。是次展出的90幅相片象徵著Audrey誕生90年,由F11攝影博物館創辦人及總監蘇彰德,在Bob的兒子Christopher的協助下仔細策劃,涵蓋了Audrey在1950至60年代的全盛時期。是次展覽除涵蓋Audrey家傳戶曉的電影劇照外,更展出一些珍貴的幕後花絮及生活照片,多方面呈現她在鏡頭下作為女演員、時尚傳奇及母親的不同角色。
為配合展覽,由蘇彰德先生編輯的 <Audrey by Bob Willoughby> 同時出版。於F11攝影博物館及f22攝影空間有售。如欲購買,讀者或書商可電郵至info@f11.com ,或致電6516 1122查詢。
展覽逢星期二至星期六(星期日、星期一及公眾假期休館),下午2時至7時開放予公眾參觀。團體參觀可電郵至info@f11.com ,或致電6516 1122預約。
Black Paint Leica Camera Exhibition
3 Sept – 7 Sept 2019
A one-of-a-kind camera exhibition showcasing over 100 black paint Leica items from 1925, contributed by over 10 Hong Kong collectors, which is the first and largest of its kind in Asia.
The <Black Paint Leica> book by Douglas So is available for sale at both F11 and f22 at HKD1,200.
The exhibition opens for public viewing from 2 pm to 7 pm on Tuesdays to Saturdays (closed on public holidays)
We are changing exhibition on G/F and 1/F for “HONG KONG the way it was” exhibition. “Black Paint Leica” exhibition on 2/F remains open for public viewing. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Public viewing of “HONG KONG the way it was” exhibition commences on 3 Oct (Thu).
Museum Leica Photo Exhibition
7 July 2018 – 31 October 2018
This photo exhibition by Lars Netopil from Wetzlar, Germany, also a consultant to Leica Camera and Vice President of Leica Historica e.V., features 68 images from the <Museum Leica> book which provides a preview of the new Leica Factory Museum collection to be shown at the recently completed Leitz Park.
Alexander Rodchenko: Everything - Experiment
28 October 2017 – 31 March 2018
The 130 images of Rodchenko selected for this exhibition are exceptional work of art, covering subjects ranging from the city of Moscow to portraits of artists and intellectuals. The photos reflect the brightness of Rodchenko’s creation in an era of enormous changes in the Russian society, following the Revolution and an increasingly dangerous political environment under Josef Stalin. Millions were persecuted and expressions not endorsed by the authority could lead to personal danger for the artist, his/her friends and family. The threats never deterred Rodchenko and his desire to create. We hope visitors could experience through the lens of his camera the response of Rodchenko to his times. A dialogue between the artist and the visitor which “could reach the very heart of human kind,” in the words of expert Professor Philippe Sers.
RETURN TO BEAUTY - Jacques Henri Lartigue and his world
5 May - 31 July 2017
Jacques Henri Lartigue (1894 – 1986) was a renowned French photographer and painter. He started taking photos at the tender age of 8. He was a man who rejoiced in life, a photographer with an insatiable fascination for all that surrounded him.
This exhibition offers a wide selection of Lartigue’s photographs totalling over 130, which captured with fresh perception and uninhibited grace the joie de vivre of fashionable well-to-do French society during and after the Belle Époque.
© Ministére de la Culture France/Association des Amis de Jacques-Henri Lartigue, France
Werner Bischof - HONG KONG 1952
8 December 2016 - 31 March 2017
HONG KONG 1952 exhibition of the late Swiss Magnum Photographer, Werner Bischof (1916-1954).
The 85 photos selected for this exhibition constitute a lively documentary of the 1952 Hong Kong where extremes abound. Bischof’s photos revealed Hong Kong as a rapidly growing community in search of a delicate balance between East and West, old and new, affluence and otherwise, with a strong common desire to begin a new page in this haven of hope.
This exhibition is also to commemorate the 100th birthday of Bischof, and to celebrate his life and achievements.
* Starting 1 February 2017, the HK 1952 exhibition is open for public viewing from 3 pm to 6 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, until 31 March 2017.
講者: 張順光先生, 香港收藏家協會副主席 周浩正先生, 香港收藏家協會委員
主題:《化危機為生機: 五零年代的香港》For other details, please see our Museum Policies and Rules.
Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers (HKIPP) Annual Exhibition
2 - 14 September 2016
Opening ceremony video on 2 Sep 2016
Paolo Pellegrin - Great Performers
23 March - 9 July 2016
First solo exhibition of renowned Italian Magnum photographer, Paolo Pellegrin, in Hong Kong, offering an interesting, rare and attractive glimpse of award winning actors and actresses behind the scene, and portraits of remarkable individuals who are movers and shakers inspiring millions around the world. Instead of the off-guard, gotcha paparazzi style photos or studio commercial setting images we often encounter, Paolo offered his own style of celebrity photography – candid, elegant, intimate and as The New York Times Magazine puts it, “without hair and makeup – almost!”
Come experience Paolo’s fabulous documentary photographs of the Great Performers, and let’s celebrate their outstanding achievements!
Classics We Love
10 December 2015 - 29 Febrary 2016
In Classics We Love, we celebrate photography and the photographers behind some of the finest images captured in the last century, from Africa to Americas, Barcelona to Beijing. Meet Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Salvador Dali, Dwight Eisenhower, Leon Trotsky, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, as well as General Franco’s Guardia Civil in rural Spain, young farmers in Westerwald, Germany, soldiers landing in Omaha Beach on D-Day and children enjoying the Guignol puppet show in Paris. We experienced with them war, peace, famine, celebrations, romance, childhood, beauty, despair and hope in the most powerful, direct and intimate ways. Each image speaks a language, offers a perspective and tells a story which is truly candid and unique. We invite you to travel in time and space to find the voices of history in this incredible journey of decisive moments.
Bruno Barbey China Since 1973
The exhibition features a selection of images of China taken by the renowned French Magnum photographer, Bruno Barbey, since September 1973, when he joined the French President George Pompidou’s official visit to China. Barbey discovered a country undergoing major changes, yet still under the influence of the Cultural Revolution. A few years later, the photographer was back and saw already the effects of Deng Xiaoping’s proposition to the Chinese people: “get rich.” Nanjing, Suzhou, Macau, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai. Barbey returned to China many times and visited various places. With every visit, he observed the profound changes in the country to which his photographs bear witness.
Don’t Miss!
Bruno Barbey’s book signing on Saturday, 30 May 2015
Bruno Barbey will sign his latest book “Chine” (hardback French edition) from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, 30 May 2015 at F11 Photographic Museum. Only 100 copies are available at HK$500 each on a first-come-first-serve basis. Cash only please. Please come meet the legendary Magnum Photographer and enjoy his exhibition this Saturday. See you all!!!
(c) Bruno Barbey
28 May – 28 October 2015
The INSTANT exhibition showcases selected gems of Mr. TM Wong’s collection, including Chrislin Insta-Camera Model 100 which was only produced in a small quantity of 1000 in 1967; Kodak EK4/ EK6 test model, the first Kodak instant camera produced in 1976; Fujifilm FinePix PR21, the first hybrid of instant camera and digital camera produced in 1999, etc. Mr. Wong has been working in the advertising and design industry for more than 10 years. Connected with instant cameras since the age of nine, Wong has become a professional collector and now owns more than 500 instant cameras. He was listed in the Guinness World Book of Records in 2013.
Robert Capa, China 1938
16 February – 30 April 2015
Robert Capa (1913-1954), one of the greatest war photographers and a key founder of Magnum Photos, arrived in Hong Kong on 16 February 1938 before spending the next seven months in China to photograph the Sino-Japanese War. This exhibition showcases, in chronological order, a selection of Capa’s images taken in Hankou, Xuzhou, Taierzhuang, Xian, Zhengzhou and Guangdong. We will also share, during our guided tours, important historical background and touching stories of the war as shown in the vintage prints of this legendary photographer.
Leica M3 – 60th Anniversary
18 September - 30 November 2014
The display of 60 different M3 cameras and prototypes chronicles the origin and evolution of this seminal model, which not only ushered in a new era for Leica, but also offered Leica photographers a revolutionary experience in capturing decisive moments.
Elliott Erwitt's 'Best in Show'
18 September - 30 November 2014
Legendary photographer Elliott Erwitt has photographed his whole life, as evidenced from his vast body of work. His images provide a world of humour and thoughtfulness, open to interpretation of the viewer with unforgettable visual references.
Best In Show demonstrates how Erwitt’s whimsical approach compounded with his extraordinary wit, and how he manages to juxtapose the hilarious scenes within the context of everyday life. Comparatively, the exhibit showcases many of his era defining photographs, plus key moments that shaped the 20th century ranging from the Civil Rights movement to President Obama’s inauguration.
© Elliott Erwitt